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Returns & Exchanges

Is it easy to return items?

Of course! Just enter your email and then select the items and reason for returning.  We'll take a look at everything and send step-by-step instructions.

How soon will I get my refund?

Once the item(s) are received we will issue a refund within the same business day. Please allow extra time during a holiday or weekend. Some delays depend on individual bank processing time. 

What items are returnable?

Still have questions?

Send a message to [email protected] with your name, order number, and how we can help and someone from our team will get back to you with 24 (business) hours. Or give us a call at (901) 746-8067 during our store business hours. 

What items are exchangeable?

What items are non-returnable?

  • Promotional Sale, Clearance items 50% off or more
  • Special Orders
  • All Memorabilia
  • Gift Cards

Items may be returned to: 


964 June Rd

Memphis, TN 38119